Monday, September 29, 2014

The tea party was a success with the children, thank goodness.

Alex joined us as well and was very gentle with the China and his little cup, it was a blast. I do have to say though, the cakes turned out super yummy!

On a sad side note, my princess is sick! She has been throwing up all night and morning, missing Grease day at school as well. She's pretty bummed about that but my little girl is pale and frail looking.
So, she's finally asleep again, catching up on some sleep that we missed. I would have done the same but as all you other mommas know, one kids sick that other is usually well and NOT wanting to sleep in.
I'm exhausted and my three year old is bouncing off the darn walls. Gaaahh!!
Haha, anyway I'll be making another tutu today I think. I'll take some pictures along the way so anyone who might read this can learn just how EASY it is and not spend a fortune on buying one from someone else.
See you later mommas, whomever you are.

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